Admirável nanoMundo Novo
In Japan photo-reactive nanocrystals are being developed for more efficient solar cell production. Rice University is developing methods that use the reactivity of nanoparticles to clean contaminants, especially biological contaminants from water. In agriculture, nano-sensors will be sprinkled on crops or soil to monitor temperature, water, salinity, nitrogen and disease. Robert Freitas is developing an artificial red blood cell able to deliver 236 times more oxygen to tissues than natural red blood cells. Freitas predicts his device will be used to treat anaemia and lung disorders, but also will enhance human performance in sport and warfare. Researchers at the Florida University have created a nanocapsule gel to deliver drugs into the eyes through soft contact lenses. The importance of nanotechnology to the future of mankind cannot be overstated. Nanotech’s promise is clean industries, cures for disease, nearly unlimited energy supplies, a continuance of Moore’s Law, the end of hunger, and the elmination of aging. Welcome to Molecular Nanobots.
Vai abrir um centro internacional de nanotecnologia aqui mesmo em braga. Espero não vir a pisá-lo...
Boa. Mas olha que deve ser bem fixe poder pisá-lo... por dentro, é claro.
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