Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The lost town of Ourém

They say its haunted...

"The lost town of Ourém has a sad history marked by ancient wars. Built in the 13th century inside the walls of the Castle of Ourém, this town sits on a high hill. In the 1380s, Queen Leonora persuaded her husband, King Ferdinand, to give the castle to her French lover, Andeiro, along with the title of Count of Ourém. When Fernando died without heir, the nation turned on the unpopular queen. Rebel knights murdered Andeiro and burned the castle and town. In 1807, French forces sacked and pillaged the town, and it fell into total ruin. Today, a few of Ourém’s houses have been restored as lodgings for visitors, and they say the charred castle is still haunted by the murdered Frenchman Andeiro."

Who knows? Strange things happens in that castle...

1 comment:

Ric Jo said...

Very strange things... Houve momentos em que estive por lá num determinado estado de espírito em que penso ter visto por lá esse tal fantasma...